Curious? 🐾

Paws & Go understands that you are curious about our services after visiting our website.

Did you know that we are happy to assist you every day to personally answer all your questions?

How may we help you?

The most frequently asked questions listed 🐾

At Paws & Go, every trip is tailor-made. Our website contains all the general information to give you a good idea of ​​our services and working methods. Paws & Go regularly receives questions and we have listed these questions for you!

Are you still unable to figure it out? We are here for you!

Booking 🐾
The first step for a trip with Paws & Go is the FREE and no-obligation reservation option.

These questions are about booking.

To make a FREE and non-binding reservation, you only need the details of your planned trip. The departure date, time, location and destination. We would also like to know how we can get in touch with you and we would like to receive a brief description of your pet(s).

At Paws & Go we understand that sometimes your plans can change. You can always cancel within the applicable period and conditions;

Are we traveling within the Netherlands? Then you can cancel free of charge up to 72 hours prior to the planned trip. Within these 72 hours we can only reschedule the trip or charge half of the travel sum in the event of a definitive cancellation.

Are we traveling to a destination in Europe? Then you can cancel free of charge up to 7 days in advance of the planned trip. Within these 7 days we can reschedule the trip for you or charge half the mileage allowance in the event of a permanent cancellation.

This has to do with the availability of our planning and the costs that Paws & Go incurs prior to the planned (abroad) trip of your pet(s).

You have chosen Paws & Go, fantastic! After receiving your reservation via our website, we will contact you personally as soon as possible. We discuss the possibilities and go through the step-by-step plan with you. Everything in order? Then the journey can begin!

Costs 🐾
At Paws & Go we like to be clear and transparent about the costs of your trip.

These questions are about our rates and costs.

Paws & Go likes to be transparent, also in terms of our rates. For example, you pay for a trip to a destination

within the Netherlands from 55ct. / km.
within Europe 45ct. / km. (including kilometers traveled in the Netherlands)
for trips longer than 2,000 km. We are happy to offer you a suitable rate (round trip). Please contact us for a free quote.

We will pass on any other costs (e.g. tolls or accommodation along the way) to you without a surcharge. There are NO unclear administration or, for example, file costs.

No problem, we think this is really fun!

The journey is already being made, so there is room for additional animals. Traveling together is also more familiar. Additional pets (max. 5) therefore travel for FREE.

If there are more than 5 animals, we will use an extra vehicle and we will be happy to inform you about the (reduced) costs. In this case, choose a special trip on the booking page.

For trips within the Netherlands, you will receive an invoice for the entire travel sum after our confirmation. We ask you to pay this to us in advance. This can be done with iDeal, manually via your bank or in some cases before departure by PIN.

For longer European trips, you will receive an invoice for approximately 50% of the travel sum after our confirmation. At a later time (before departure) you will receive a second invoice for the remainder of the travel sum, which must be paid before departure.

Did we have to incur more or fewer costs? You will then receive a final (credit) invoice after the trip.

Before the Trip 🐾
The (foreign) trip can almost begin! The preparation is in full swing and all sorts of things are coming your way. We're happy to help!

Your dog, cat or ferret needs a valid pet passport when traveling abroad. You can easily arrange this through your veterinarian and the costs for this are usually limited.

There are no European guidelines for rodents, poultry and other companion animals. However, there are different rules per country, we will inform you about this.

There are no specific requirements for travel within the Netherlands. If in doubt, Paws & Go recommends that you contact your veterinarian.

When traveling outside the country's borders, a valid Rabies vaccination is required for dogs and cats. Arrange this in time (at least 21 days in advance) and ensure the validity of the vaccination. The passport is the vaccination certificate, the accompanying medal is NOT legal proof of vaccination.

In addition, there may be additional requirements per species, breed or country.

Especially during a longer trip abroad, Paws & Go makes multiple stops. During these stops, we let your dog or cat out of the travel accommodation, take a walk and give your pet(s) something to eat/drink and the necessary attention.

You can of course choose what you bring with you for your pet(s) during the trip. We have reserved space for any "luggage" of your pet(s).

During the Trip 🐾
We're ready to go! All preparations have been completed and Paws & Go will check whether any changes to the route are necessary.

Unfortunately, we have no influence on the weather or traffic conditions. Upon departure, we will give you a good indication of the possible arrival time.

Expect +/- 15 minutes. per hour of additional travel time for every planned hour of travel. According to your route planner, does the journey take, for example, 2 hours? Then we will be on the road for approximately 2.5 hours.

We also give you regular personal updates along the way, which is really nice!

Yes, of course! Paws & Go is transparent. This way, you have the possibility to follow your pet(s) online during the trip via the Live-tracking system. So no surprises.

You can even choose to share the unique live-tracking link with others, so the whole family stays informed and you know where Paws & Go is.

No, unfortunately the system has not yet reached the point where it calculates our planned breaks in the expected arrival time. The expected arrival time will adjust automatically during the trip.

The expected arrival time within the last two hours of our trip provides a good indication of the actual arrival time. In the event of any unforeseen delays, we will always provide you with a personal update in a timely manner by telephone, text message or WhatsApp message.

Other 🐾
Some frequent asked questions do not fit in a certain category, We will answer them here for you.

Paws & Go travels based on European legislation according to EU 576/2013 (non-commercial movement of pet animals and repealing Regulation (EC) No 998/2003).

This probably doesn't mean much to you, but in concrete terms it means that we do not transport more than 5 pets per vehicle/driver and only drive for personal purposes.

So we do not transport your pet(s) if there is an intend to sell or transfer ownership, this is called commercial transport. You can read more about this legislation here.

Paws & Go is 100% committed to the welfare of your pet(s), we do not want to be the cheapest by saving on quality. That is why we have consciously imposed restrictions on ourselves. For example, we stop more regularly for a check-up and attention on the way, we avoid some (worse) routes and we continuously invest in the design of our vehicles and our knowledge to transport your pet(s) as safely and comfortably as possible. We also help you as an owner intensively with preparing a (foreign) trip, so we do not simply transport from A to B.

Other providers combine your pet's trip with pets from other owners (sometimes more than 15 animals!) to keep costs low. Paws & Go believes that this does not benefit animal welfare (in fact, it is very stressful!). For example, these providers also earn money from the animal itself by importing it and offering it on the national market, for example. Paws & Go is categorically against this!

The costs for the journey of your pet(s) can be reimbursed in some cases. This is always a decision by your insurer or, for example, the emergency center.

Paws & Go has contacts with several insurers and emergency centers, after permission we will declare the costs directly to your insurer or emergency center.

Any other questions?

That's possible, of course. Feel free to contact us for more information or advice.

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